Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Rain Barrel. Life is Good!

I just completed a rain barrel installation on our Edisto Beach house. Woohoo! This is the type of thing retired engineer curmudgeons like to do and talk about. It solves two problems. It intercepts the rain that pours off the front of my house and washes out the driveways, and it collects water for the plants. Our town water comes from wells and is so salty it's bad for the plants. Fortunately the town lets you draw free reverse osmosis drinking water from spigots at the town hall.

The white pipe is the overflow system. I drilled a bunch of 3/16" holes in the part that goes around the corner of the house to distribute the overflow water. OK, I paid a guy to install a gutter on the front of the house to catch the water. Fiddling around on the top of a jouncy 24 foot extension ladder is a good way for an amateur to end up dead.


James Douglass said...

Is jouncy a real word?

Johnny Douglass said...

Uhh, I dunno. Dictionary.com says jounce is a verb that means "to move joltingly or roughly up and down; bounce." I figured if I added a "y" I would adjectificate the verb.

Anonymous said...

Ok I would like you for my air conditioner water - how much. Ida

Anonymous said...

oh well done! we are looking to do this too! as well as a ductless heating system and a windmill, BIG dreams anyhow ;)I always tell gregg of your ingenuity, copper pipe heated cat house wasn't it!? i was always awestruck at your guys' house!

Johnny Douglass said...

Hi Chelsey. What a coincidence. I was just describing the heated cat house to friends last night. We are staying with them in Asheville, NC for the weekend. It was cold so they left their dog in the house instead of the yard when we went out for the day. He had major accidents on the floor. That led me to explaining the heated cat house floor. Maybe I'll make a blog post on it. The heating source was actually an electric bedding plant heating wire with a built in 70 degree thermostat. The bottom was a one inch rigid foam insulation board with an inch of readimix concrete poured onto in and the bedding palnt heating wire in the concrete.