There is a humanitarian crisis in East Africa and Gaza. There is a collapsing world economy; there are brazen pirate attacks on the high seas which are getting higher by the day because of global warming. Accordingly I intend to address the issue that I know is foremost on the mind of all Americans, LEAVING THE TOILET SEAT UP. Sadly it seems to be the toughest issue in the gender equality quest.
Obviously the best and most equitable solution to this gender war issue is to leave the seat as it was last used. For women, this will be the down position. For men after whizzing, this should be up as shown in the photograph at the right margin…or left or top, wherever BlogSpot puts the photo. The efficiency of this is obvious. Supposed the next necessary function in the toilet is the same act by a person of the same gender such as a male. Imagine if the male had put the seat down following the prior use; he would have to raise it again. These are unnecessary cycles of the seat. Scrink scrawnk; the hinges wear out.
I know my women readers will scream at this suggestion. First let me say that I am very sympathetic with essentially all women's issues such as the need for equal pay for equal work, having the word NO respected, maternity leave, getting better representation in upper management positions, etc. Neurologists have discovered that women actually have more neural connections between the left and right brain hemispheres making them better at multitasking and alliance-building networking, both key management skills. But on this important bathroom issue I have to ask my women friends, "Ladies! What's the big deal?" You just grab the seat between two fingers and put it down before sitting. Yeah yeah, I hear you. You are yelling, "Do you know what it feels like to think it's down when it's not and sit and fall through?!" Well yes I do because so many times I have been host to women or a guest in one's home only to hear a scream then see them come tearing out of the bathroom to grab me by the neck and deliver a scalding lecture on why I should put the toilet seat down after I use it.
Allow me to make a suggestion to my hundreds of women readers. Look before you sit! This should be a no brainer to a person of any gender sitting on anything. There could be a creepy spider on that toilet seat. I have a woman cousin in Florida who once approached the toilet to sit. Fortunately she looked and saw the large land crab that had entered the bowl from the sewerage system and was waiting with raised open claws. I have heard of sewer rats sloshing around in the bowl too. Even sitting places other than a toilet seat, like on a sofa with your pants on warrants a look. Anyone who has a house cat should know this. I don't have one but I learned fast when I visited a friend with a house cat. Anybody who has made it through junior high school where some jerk-head invariably puts a thumbtack in your seat when you come blazing into class late should learn and retain this important safety fact. LOOK BEFORE YOU SIT!
Ladies may I suggest you count your blessings if you have a loving wage-earning male whose only alleged sin is leaving the toilet seat up. There are much worse men. These are the ones that we men must also be wary of. They're the cabbage brains who leave the seat down BEFORE whizzing, sprinkling it with little yellow spots. When I was a little tyke I had trouble remembering to lift the seat before starting. My mother was so intent on training me to raise it before starting that she never even tried to confuse the issue by training me to lower it when I was done.
Now I must confess that there is one situation where a male should lower the toilet seat when he's done whizzing. That's when he's a guest in a lady's home and she requests it. It is her home after all. She has the right. My sister and sister in law will applaud this concession I'm sure. I am working hard to remember when I visit them.
I have a lot of sympathy for the extra hardship a woman faces because she has to sit for a number one. I have often railed with my women friends in support of more stalls in public women's restrooms where lines form because there is not sufficient capacity to accommodate the necessary extra privacy and time required for women to drop their drawers for a tinkle. However, in the quest for gender justice there is one behavior a man must never accede to. Some women actually try to require this behavior. This unmanly act is to sit to make water. I almost never use the term "p-word envy". It is an arrogant accusation usually levied by loser males who can't take it when a woman beats them at their own game. However, to the woman who has the audacity to suggest that males should always sit, I must say, "Madam, you suffer from p-word envy. Get over it."
You make some excellent points. I am a male but have adopted a seat- down habit. Here's why:
(1) Everyone should look before sitting or stepping but they don't always do so. I ask my wife to place nothing on stairways because I may not look and I might fall and get hurt. In turn I always leave the seat down because she may not look and fall and get hurt.
(2) When standing up and urinating into a toilet bowl the water/urine mix splashes onto the horizonatal portion of the toilet rim. I must therefore clean this area with toilet paper when completed.
(3) I like sitting over standing because it gives me the option/luxury of having a bowel movement if I'm so inclined. A standing urination does not provide this.
I am very well trained but not very smart. I recently had an injury that made bending at the knee very difficult. After painfully urinating in the seated position for a few weeks it dawned on me that I could stand at the toilet and urinate.
I agree. But I'm glad you wrote this blog and not me, because I wouldn't want to take the heat.
This is cutting edge stuff here. You're living on the edge!
I'll admit that I have been known to sit for a pee, that advantage being that I can use those few precious minutes to read and improve my mind, (usually windsurfing magazines).
Hey Johnny- I totally agree with you on this issue, which is kind of unuusal for a female, but I've always thought women were being really stoooopid & unfair to require men to leave the seat down. Where in the universe does it say that the seat belongs down, just because women use it that way? To be really fair, if a woman wants the seat left down by a guy, then she should leave it up when she's done! If women really want equality, then we shouldn't expect idiotic accomodations from men. There, I've finally said it after years of trying not to snort when women bring this up!
From Johnny's Daughter: Thank goodness my husband is better behaved than my dad on this one! There are many logical reasons as to why the seat should always be placed down. First of all, the inside of the toilet is nasty looking. It seems there are always pee droplets and even hairs from you know where stuck to the inner bowl. Also, with the toilet seat down, it is very easy to drop something into the toilet like a toothbrush or even a cell phone. I have dropped both. Plus, consistency is key to neither sexes having mishaps (females plunging their bottoms into into the water and males tinkling on the top). Plus, at least in our household, toilet seat diligence is a matter of safety. We have a lock on our seat so that little Ayla doesn't drown. Toilet seat down is just a good habit to get into. Lastly, putting the toilet seat down is a very small favor you can do for females. You catch more bees with honey... and if you want to put your lady into an amorous mood, working on the little things can be a great start. Women like it when men are classy. And dad, I am sure that with the time it took you to create this rant, you could have put the toilet seat down for a year. That adds up to a lot of brownie points with mom. I pity you for not realizing this.
I hear you Anna. Right now I'm working hard on washing more dishes and losing weight. Those seem to be the top two items on her training list for me. Maybe I should start on the toilet seat. It could boost my morale to accomplish some early measurable improvements. :)
Toilet seats look better down. You do not leave the trunk of your car open, so why leave the toilet seat up? Also, I would highly recommend the soft close seats, you just touch them slightly and they softly close. Eric
My solution is to not only put the seat down, but also the lid. Default position, as it were. Then whoever uses it can return it to that position when finished.
But the simplest, most obvious solution to this 'problem'? Look before you leap, ladies. If you go sloshing into the toilet it's your own damn fault. Turn around and look!
Now I have the last laugh. My daughter has a giant lever that swings over the top lid and keeps it closed to childproof it against our 15 months old granddaughter. But guess what; my wife just puts the ring down and forgets the top lid so she gets scolded by our daughter. Heh heh! Now she knows how it feels.
Whoever invented the modern toilet obviously didn't think about the percentage how both gender can use it. Out of 100% usage of toilet for both male & female (to do no.1 & no.2), ONLY the male that is required to lift the toilet sit up when they do no.1 (which is only 25% of its usage). The rest of the 75 % usage of toilet,Both genders required the toilet sit to be placed down.So I think it is just a coutresy the male to always put the toilet sit back down after they use it.
Anonymous: This argument is fallacious.
Let us for the sake of the argument assume that the toilet in question is used roughly as often by males as females, and that the toilet seat is always left in the position in which it was last used, either up or down.
In the case of men: Let us assume men pee about three times as often as they defecate. I believe this to be roughly accurate. Then:
Men leave the seat down 25% of the times when they use it, amounting to 12,5% of the total time the toilet's usage. Women always leave the seat down. Then, the seat is left down 0,5+(0,5*0,25) = 0,625 -> 62,5% of the time. Obviously, it then follows that the seat is left up 37,5% of the time.
Men will then have to change the seat's position (0,75*0,625) + (0,25*0,375) = 0,5625 -> 56,25% of the time.
Women will have to change the seat's position(0,75*0,5) = 0,375 -> 37,5% of the time.
Clearly, men have greater cause to complain than women. Furthermore, complaining about the toilet seat or, as some do, using it a measure of how much the man "cares" about the woman is entirely petty and childish. It'd make as much sense as my complaining about the TV being left on talkshow-heavy channels all the time, and taking it as an indicator that my relationship was less than solid.
The only real argument I can see is leaving the LID down, and that is for purely hygienic reasons.
TL;DR: Stop whining. You have no true cause for it. Also, men who attempt arguing for leaving the toilet seat down might want to look in the top shelf of your girlfriend/wife/mother's closet. Your nuts are in a jar there somewhere.
Two obvious things for the ladies:
1. Having fallen in there and went through all the trouble of cleaning yourself, (wasn't much of a nice experience would you say?) Would you STILL fall for it the 2ND TIME?
2. Just look before you sit! Stop daydreaming about random things.
Easy enough?
Putting the spa toilet seat up to avoid bacteria
That is a typical act we do regularly, I think it doesn't matter if we are going to sit down or just step in the toilet.
A toilet seat can be a good and faithful servant right up until the moment it unexpectedly snaps in two or the hinges fail to keep anything hinged. Replacing a toilet seat is not necessarily a difficult operation, but selecting the proper type of replacement may prove to be a little more challenging.
A toilet seat can be a good and faithful servant right up until the moment it unexpectedly snaps in two or the hinges fail to keep anything hinged. Replacing one is not necessarily a difficult operation, but selecting the proper type of replacement may prove to be a little more challenging.
Nice Blog!!
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